Giving and Receiving Love Advanced Course

Core Advanced Course : Course Level : Level 3
The fundamental dilemma of all human relationships is this: Why is it so hard to give and receive love when we need to feel connected? Our survival directive is to cooperate and maintain our attachments. To better understand both dilemma and the solution, we will explore the “software” for both survival and connection with which we are born.
The pulse of both giving and receiving is vital to the experience of connection. If we block this in either direction, we become isolated and lose the experience of connection.
- In this course:
- Explore what the blocks are to giving love
- Explore what the blocks are to receiving love
- Learn how to resolve these blocks through videos, demonstrations, practice, lectures, physical movement, discussion, and written exercises.
- Learn about the way our unconscious images of relationship not only determine who we pick, but also how we play out the relational dance with each other
- Explore how this dynamic can manifest in emotions, spiritual connection, intellectual ideas, and experiences in our bodies.