I absolutely love working with couples and am so grateful to have discovered Imago so early in my career. In school, we were taught very little about the actual practice of working with couples, so when I was assigned my first couple as a trainee I panicked and began scouring the internet for some help. I stumbled upon Harville and Helen’s interview on a podcast called The Couple’s Therapist Couch and knew I had found something special. I immediately ordered Doing Imago Relationship Therapy in the Space Between, read it cover to cover and was so blown away by it I decided to become a certified Imago Relationship Therapist. I have been doing Imago with couples, children, families, and individuals ever since! My husband and I were lucky enough to get to take the GTLYW workshop with Michelle Bohls in Costa Rica at the start of my clinical certification training, and our own relationship has benefited tremendously. I feel so honored I have been called to do this work and my goal is to become a workshop presenter so I can bring this incredible tool to even more couples throughout California. I live in Los Angeles, see clients virtually throughout California, and in person at Clarity and Growth Center for Psychotherapy in Pasadena, CA.