Imago Professional Facilitator Training (Coaches, Managers, Consultants begin here)

Is This Training For Me?


This facilitation and leadership development program consists 128-course hours, training formats may vary in how these hours are delivered. Taught in modules, this format is designed with several months in between to enable professionals to implement their new skills, apply them as appropriate in their professional domain, and prepare recordings of their meetings. 

In addition, six consultation practicums support the professional in crafting and implementing their final project required for certification. 

A strength-based process is used to support the emerging facilitator skills, a process similar to the one you will learn to use with individuals, dyads, groups and organizations.

An Imago Workshop is a Pre-Req for this Certification Program: Getting the Love You Want for Couples or Keeping The Love You Find for Individuals.


After this training, participants will learn:

  • Facilitation skills to help individuals, dyads, and groups build integration and find a cohesive way of relating without losing their unique individual perspectives or strengths.

  • A proven model of communication that builds trust, teamwork, creativity, motivation, and belonging for yourself and to teach others.

  • How to manage conflict in situations in a structured way that allows for the individuals to communicate their ideas while still maintaining safety.

  • Skills to foster connection between others that you can continue to use long after the program ends.

The Imago Professional Facilitator Program

This is a great example of one facilitator’s project:

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