Requirements for Imago Professional facilitator™ Certification
- Complete Imago Professional Facilitator Training Level 1.
- Attend a Getting the Love You Want Workshop™ for couples or a Keeping The Love You Want Workshop™ for individuals.
- Complete six project development meetings and a final project which demonstrates your skills as an Imago Facilitator™.
Continuing Education Credits and Tuition: Imago Continuing Education is required every two years.
Note: Cost for the requirements below vary depending on the state, province, or country.
- Learn the transformational Imago skills to facilitate a meaningful connection with a coaching client, between a manager and a direct report, between employees, teammates or classmates.
- Learn the four relational lenses that will help you make sense of the affinity and conflict you see in groups and teams of people that will help you to guide others towards more conscious communication.
- Experience a revolutionary, safe, and empowering feedback process that will help you build confidence and competency in working with individuals, groups and in organizations.
After this training, participants will be able to:
- Discuss childhood stages of development and wounding as well as resulting characterological adaptations in professional relationships.
- Discuss the concept of the Imago and the role it plays in who fascinates and repels us.
- Work with an individual' s motivational barriers, flow with the process, and learn to keep volatile teams or groups in a dialogical process.
- Demonstrate dialogical skills to assist teams or small groups in restructuring conflict and frustration, resolving unproductive stories, bringing them into connection, and guiding them from unconscious to conscious relating (moving them from reactivity to intentionality).
- Demonstrate skills to assist individuals and groups in increasing validation and empathy and achieve a deeper level of motivation, connection and a sense of belonging.
- Focus on their own personal Characterological Growth and thus be more able to deepen client’s self awareness, getting them in touch with unproductive stories about themselves and others, and thus helping them find traction in their life goals or as a group.
- Empower people to continue their growth.